Friday, March 23, 2012


I mentioned in Carsons history about a day when he was 3 and a half, we were swimming with friends. They all ran to the top of the hill and all but Carson ran down. I taught him that day to sit on his bum and slide down because he was frozen in fear and that was the only way to get him to make it down.

Today at the park we had another interesting experience. A group of kids playing on a hill. They all ran up, at the top they turn and run down. Carson stands at the top, now 4 and a half I fully expect him to dart down the dirt hill. NOPE! He sits on his bum and slides all the way to the bottom. Brand new pants and white shirt, Oh boy! It shows me two things, first we need to work on hills and second, at least he did it and didnt panic....what a day!

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