Thursday, March 22, 2012

A daily battle?

Having a child with sensory seeking and dyspraxia leads to some interesting moments. On Tuesday we were at the park, we have been there a hundred times, he has climbed the toys a hundred times. After awhile he started climbing the ladder to get to the top of the slide. I hear him scream so I run over and he is at the top frozen in fear and white nuckled hanging on. I had to calm him down and explain step by step how to get from the ladder over to the slide. I had to tell him to move his foot then grab with his hand then step with the other foot and finally we made it. He had climbed that ladder, he had made it before but for some reason today his brain just forgot what the next step was, it forgot how.

Then today at Mcdonalds Carson was playing with all the other kids, no problems. I suddenly hear him screaming at the top of his lungs in utter panic. I run over and yell for him, he is at the highest point of the playland and I cant get inside. I ran around and found the oldest kid I thought could fit and asked him to go in after my boy, still screaming. Him and his sister went up and carried him down to the bottom. He sobbed as I held him and when I finally asked him what had happened he simply stated "I started climbing down and I forgot how".

Having a sensory seeking dyspraxic child creates challenges because they WANT to do it, they want to play and run and jump but for some reason, sometimes, his brain just cant give him the steps to figure out what is next. My heart breaks for him in those moments because of the fear he feels, the panic and fear that I cant imagine. I hope his therapy helps him with this.

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